Category Archives: Raw Food Diet Info

Why You Should Not Drink Cows Milk

Many people are firm believers that cow’s milk is the “perfect food” and you will never be able to change their minds. But parents need to educate themselves about milk allergies and lactose intolerances with their children in mind to be forewarned. One main reason why cow’s milk isn’t that great for you is that it was made for cows, not humans. Secondly, if you are not consuming magnesium along with cow milk, you are not benefiting from the calcium. Thirdly, if you consume something with iron […]

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Organic Products and Raw Food Diet

Fortunately for those of us newly interested in eating organic and raw foods, there are lots of products out there. Natural and organic foods used to be found only in natural food stores, and those could be few and far between. While not as ubiquitous as McDonald’s, there ARE many more stand-alone stores. And the grocery chains are catching on too, with more organic selections than ever before. If you don’t see them in your grocery store, just ask. You’re probably not the only person in your […]

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Eating Foods That Are Hard to Digest

Even if we are not sick and look healthy, we may not be getting enough adequate nutrition. We can improve our state of health by simply knowing what nutrition we need. Nutrition is about what the food is all about, the amount we need, its function, and the basic materials we need for our body in order for it to continue on with its daily activities. By knowing how to take care of our body through nutrition, we can maintain its high performance levels instead of being […]

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